Friday, August 24, 2012

Guaranteed to Gain Engaging Twitter Followers with 5 Simple Strategies

The social media athomosphere is the same one as at a party. Do you want to meet people and gain friends? Walk up to them, introduce yourself and talk. Why can't it be that simple for Twitter? Just as at a social event though, you don't just walk in and yell HELLO LISTEN TO ME EVERYBODY, I'M HERE! You wouldn't do that so let's not do that on Twitter either, noone will listen.

1. Be informed

Update yourself with the trending topics on Twitter. Trending topics are the most talked about subjects worldwide. Follow your competitors, your role model, whoever you want to target to be informed of what they're tweeting about. Simplified: Follow & read timeline

2. Engage

Some users follow back when they see that you've started following them, but there are some that play hard to get. Engage in your desired followers' conversations using the same hashtags they're using to reach them and other millions of users. For a more direct approach feel free to retweet their tweet with your comment and they will see it directly on their time line. Simplified: Join the conversation

3. Tweet

Oddly enough many businesses desire followers on Twitter, but they don't tweet very much. Going back to the party scenario, I don't know anybody who has gained friends by sitting in the corner and not saying a word to a single soul. With that said, make sure you tweet consistently. Create a tweet calendar if necessary to have a structured agenda of tweeting. Make sure your tweets are appealing by adding humor if applicable or connect it to a popular event. Simplified: Create the conversation

4. Use (fun) hashtags

Play around with themes depending on your business, add hashtags and encourage clients and employees to use them. For example: "Back in 1999 we used to hand write everything. Thank God for technolog #ThrowbackThursday" *Attached picture of stack of papers with handwriting on them* Simplified: no really, use (fun) hashtags

5. Call to action

Yes, users need a call to action to be compelled in to do what you want them to. You may tweet the most awesome sentence within 160 characters, but a simple "RT if you agree" can make a huge difference in how many people actually get to read it. In case you didn't know already, your followers' followers will see your tweet on their time line if only they hit that RT (retweet) button. Simplified: Tell them what to do

These are simple steps if you have a social media coordinator who monitors all of this for you. If not you probably won't have the time to dedicate to it. I offer social media services at a low cost. Feel free to contact me at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Priscilla for this blog. Social networking is all about engaging your audience and Twitter is a great tool for reaching as many people as possible within a short time. Understanding and implementing these strategies has consistently increased our audience ...
